So more gossip to add about the whole slavery story -- when Pharoah wouldn't let the Israelites go, God hit the Egyptians with 10 plagues -- read them with me and dip your fingers in your wine if you have any nearby:
Blood (dam) דָם

Frogs (Tz'fardea) צְּפַרְדֵּעַ
Lice (Kinim) כִנִּים
Cattle Disease (Dever) דֶּבֶר
Boils (Sh'chin) שְׁחִין
Locusts (Arbeh) אַרְבֶּה
Darkness (Cho-shech) חֹשֶׁךְ
Slaying of the Firstborn (makat b'chorot) מַכַּת בְּכוֹרוֹת
The BBC website provides a bit more detail about the plagues.The Plague of Blood: God turned the water of the River Nile into blood so that
the fish died and the water stank. All the water in Egypt was turned into blood. (Interpretive color coding not provided by the BBC). One would think that God wouldn't have needed a roadmap to figure out who his people were, but apparently God did not want to take any chances.The Plague of Frogs: Egypt was overrun with frogs - there were frogs in the
beds, frogs in the ovens, and frogs jumping on the people.
The Plague of Lice: Dust was turned into lice which crawled on people
and animals. (The Bible calls this The Plague of Gnats, but in Judaism the
accepted translation of the Hebrew word Kinim is lice).
The Plague of Flies: Swarms of flies arrived in Egypt and poured into
Pharaoh's palace, the houses of his officials, and all over the land. (The
Hebrew word here is "Orov" meaning mixture and in Jewish tradition this refers
to a mixture of wild animals.)
The Plague on Livestock: All animals belonging to the Egyptians died -
horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, sheep and goats.
The Plague of Boils: Festering boils broke out on the Egyptian people
and their livestock.
The Plague of Hail: The worst hailstorm ever to hit Egypt struck,
beating down crops growing in the fields and even killing people and animals
caught in it.
The Plague of Locusts: A swarm of locusts settled in Egypt and devoured
anything left growing after the hail.
The Plague of Darkness: Egypt became totally dark for three days.. . . .
. . . .The Plague on the firstborn: An avenging angel would go from house to house
killing every first-born son, including the first-born son of livestock.
Israelite children would not be killed and thus God would show that they were
his chosen people.So that the angel would know which houses were Israelite homes, the
Children of Israel were to follow very specific instructions:
Each household was to take an unblemished, male lamb, look after it,
and slaughter it at twilight four days later.
Blood from the lamb was to be brushed on the door frames. This would
tell the avenging angel that it was an Israelite home and to 'pass over'.
Then the families were to roast the lamb and eat it with bitter herbs
and unleavened bread. Every bit of the lamb had to be eaten and any remaining
bones burned.
The Israelites were to perform this ritual dressed for a journey.
Oh my Adonai! If you do not remove that picture of "boils" or "cattle disease" or whatever the heck it is, I'm not coming to this seder! Besides, I can get kugel any time I want...
Marc, if you're willing to celebrate boils, you should be willing to look at them. I suspect you're the kind of meat-eater who wants to know nothing about slaughterhousees.
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