Although this portion of the seder is called "tzafun," it's not that much fun. Tzafun is when the kids find the afikoman and share it for dessert.
Phil's hiding places are lame, and, as I said earlier, everybody gets a little bag of gelt, whether they look for the afikoman or not.
Also, while the Passover meal is pretty impressive at the start, the Tzafun can be a little disappointing. I really can't believe we used to think the afikomen counted as dessert. Then again, we didn't have obese children running through the bullrushes.
The afikomen is so not a dessert that Ella ignores it.

does Ella seriously not eat matzoh? that certainly reflects poorly on the bread of affliction
by the way, this is emma
Are you kidding? Ella ate a dirty diaper yesterday at a friend's house. She'll eat matzoh -- but prefers the Hillel's Sandwich.
The account for seder.kibbitzer is just showing up as "Seder." I need to learn my way around gmail.
The original statement that Ella would not eat the afikomen was for dramatic effect.
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